XSP Entertainments

Entertaining Scotland Since 1995

XSP Entertainments is an Entertainment Agency based in Aberdeen, Scotland.

We specialise in providing live music for corporate functions and weddings, tribute shows, after dinner speakers and comedians.

XSP are official representatives for



It isn’t often Royalty pays a visit to his subjects but Rock ‘n’ Roll fans of all ages will be out in force when Jesse Garron and his spectacular Rock ‘n’ Roll Show is in town.

Starring Scotland’s veritable Monarch of Rock n’ Roll, this blue haired, yes! Blue Haired, unbridled sex & satisfaction Multi- Instrumentalist Legend JESSE GARRON with the golden throat is one of the best concert attractions in the country today .  If you really want to push the boat out, Jesse can be supported by his flawless ensemble of band & Dancers “The Wreckin Crew” use the word “tight” and you’ll be right. As for Jesse himself, the word is Presence. He is a masterful showman, and as sensitive to the audience as a tuning fork is to a piano.

Jesse Garron1 xsp.co.uk.JPG

To enquire or make a booking please complete the form below.